LinkedIn with its new Feed could change the whole way of marketing. LinkedIn has recently announced that it has introduced a change in its algorithms for better experiences in user’s Feeds. 

LinkedIn is a social networking service provider and headquarter is based in Sunnyvale, California, the U.S.

LinkedIn is basically a professional networking site. It helps you to connect with people you know and allows you to connect with the people you Linked In connections know. 

Founder of LinkedIn – Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Eric Ly, Konstantin Guericke and Jean Luc Valliant.

It was founded on 28 December 2002 in Mountain View, California and launched on 5th May 2003.

Parent Company –  Microsoft Corporation

LinkedIn has rendered service to over 630 million people across 200 nations and still focussing on to make its User Interface better for people.

LinkedIn to make its usability better and fun LinkedIn has recently modified its algorithm to create a better news feed for users.

People can, in general, get bored scrolling through LinkedIn feed with same cat videos or motivational quotes.

Well, this time the social Network LinkedIn has announced that it has changed its algorithms to make a dynamic Newsfeed for users.

LinkedIn revealed that they thought of making these changes when it discovered that the top 1 percent of content creators or “power users” were receiving the vast majority of engagement with their posts and the remaining were receiving less engagement.

Let’s know why has LinkedIn changed its algorithm 

More and more people are signing up in this social networking platform and using a feed to give back feedback to their network’s post. But LinkedIn discovered that 1 percent are drawing major engagement leaving behind the rest of 99 percent.

Rather than simply going on with it and letting big players dominate the feeds, they decided to make a change in their Algorithm so that they could make their post distributions better than before. This way on an individual can get more reach and engagement.

LinkedIn has added an element in a new algorithm that analyzes how much a user appreciates getting feedback from a given viewer.It was not quite easy to solve, but after working for days and testing LinkedIn has confirmed this method is working successfully.

More or less 8 percent of the feedback eliminated for the top 0.1 percent of creators and being redistributed to the 98 percent. And as the top-level influencers receive notifications and stay engaged all day, they would seldom notice this change.

Why LinkedIn’s New Algorithm can change the game for Marketers

This model of Algorithm prioritize posts based on how viewers get engaged with the posts to like and comment on it.

The author of LinkedIn Dylan Wang mentioned that for major influencers within the Top 1 percent content creator, one more like or comment from an unknown follower may not be given much value.

But for new content creators who are trying to surface above, these likes and comments can give them a long run. According to Barrilleaux and Wang’s saying creators who get more than 10 or more likes on their content are 17 percent more likely to post again in the following week.

This is the reason why LinkedIn decided to modify its Feed Algorithm. It is because it includes signals that point out how much value a creator will inject on viewer feedback received.

Now, small creators who tend to create high-quality content can reach out to users who pay attention to their posts.

Three Key points LinkedIn’s new algorithm models check onto while ranking creator content

  1. 1.How much a viewer’s network will want to see and react to the posts.
  2. How frequently a viewer gets engaged to the creator’s post.
  3. How much the original creator will acknowledge the first 10 likes of the post

People are heard saying LinkedIn’s new Feed algorithm is really improving engagement for smaller and newer content creators. LinkedIn is definitely giving small content creators a chance to shine. LinkedIn is also working on how to provide a relevant and personalized experience to its users. Its main focus is to change the overall customer experience.

LinkedIn has also confirmed that it will continue to monitor and optimize its algorithm with the new change taking effects.

Wrapping Up  : 

Previously many have heard that LinkedIn has introduced us to a new Feed algorithm that has turned out to work really well. Here we have discussed aboout how LinkedIn’s new algorithm can create a better news feed for users and why was this feature introduced.LinkedIn has always ensured it’s users good experience using the platform and is coming up with the most needed features.

Why not try it out by yourself!